St. Patrick's Day is coming! And Irish dancers have their own version of March Madness -- shows, dance-outs, parades, you name it. It's like two weeks of non stop trebling.
So anyway, I've lately become enamoured of the Ryan Gosling Hey Girl meme, which, in case you haven't heard of this yet, consists of epically funny stuff like this -- for moms:
For my crafty peeps:
My personal nerdy fave:
And if you want to REALLY live the experience check out this video from MTV here:
Well, with all this St. Pat's crazy around the corner, I thought Irish dancers (especially the SENIOR LADIES, what's up girls?) deserved a little Hey Girl love just for them. So here we go:
So to the (possibly) four people I know who fall into the bizarre niche of internet meme obsessed Irish dancer -- enjoy :)